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Our School

Westwood Habits of Success

whs Rise



The VISION for WHS is for all scholars to RISE as intentional learners, effective leaders, and skillful designers who are prepared for optimal success.

Vision Hashtag: LEARN, LEAD, and DESIGN at WHS (#LearnLeadDesign)

Learn Lead Design graphic

Rationale and Purpose

At WHS, students’ character development is equally as important as producing high-quality work and mastering knowledge and skills. The collective vision of our school is deeply rooted in our beliefs about character which serves as a catalyst for lifelong success.

Throughout students’ pathway to fulfilling their promise, Westwood scholars are working to become effective learners, ethical people, and contributors to a better world. Understanding, believing, and committing to this work, has led to the creation of our Habits of Success. When fully embraced and practiced, they empower students to become ethical people, who demonstrate Resilience ~ Integrity ~ Scholarship and Engagement. Ultimately our Habits of Success prepares each student to be College Bound and Future Ready. Simply, we want all students to RISE!

A Deeper  Perspective

Looking deeper into our Habits of Success will reveal micro definitions and performance indicators that clearly specify what these behaviors look like in all aspects of campus life.

Rise Class Posters v2

Daily Application

In all classrooms and offices, employees will work to align their professional behaviors with these habits and serve as a model for students to do the same. Monthly, we will identify students and employees who best exemplify our habits and recognize them publicly for committing to this important work. The categories for recognition are as follows:

  • Teacher, Support Employee, and Service Employee
  • 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, and 12th Grade Honorees
  • Parent Volunteer
  • Community and Business Partner